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new arrivals and old friends ...finally

Mezze by Barbara Abdeni Massaad
Thrilled to have copies of Barbara Massaad's cook book Mezze: a labor of love, available exclusively in the UK through our website. As you have kindly subscribed to our newsletter, we'd like to offer you free postage on the book. Please use voucher code mezzespecial at the checkout.
On a damp miserable day, with a little help from Suki the guard dog, and a very kind friend, we received our long awaited delights from Lebanon. It must have taken the Phoenicians much less time than it took us to ship olive oil, olives and saffron from the eastern Mediterranean! However, post Brexit importing tariff code challenges, economic melt down in Lebanon, post covid hold ups in shipping, and the fact that we are such a small business have all played their part. So we're grinning from ear to ear that we finally have these Lebanese treats to offer our UK customers!

transit5-shorkk 2

New friends

souri black olives
pomegranate tapenade label
Delighted to add sumac to our Lebanese spices. Scattered on fried eggs, it's quite a revelation. We have more green cracked souri olives on the shelves, sitting proudly beside some black souri olives requested by some of our Lebanese customers who were unable to find them anywhere in the UK. The pomegranate tapenade is a celebration of Lebanese ingredients, you won't find a tapenade like it this Christmas! There's now a plentiful stock of Zejd's pomegranate molasses which, according to Fiona Beckett, the drinks writer for the Guardian is "a more authentic product than many we get in the UK".

Stocking fillers

olive leaf infusion
Zejd's olive leaf infusion and saffron slipped into a Christmas stocking perhaps? Apart from tasting delicious, they look so elegant.



Looking forward to sharing our Lebanese treats with you at the following markets:

19 November Whiteladies Road
26 November Windmill Hill Market
27 November Tobacco Factory Market
3 December Nailsea Eat:Festival
souri green olives

Christmas....hampers next week!

gift hamper
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