great tastes. great stories.

Mezze by Barbara Abdeni Massaad


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Mezze: a labor of love by cookery writer and photographer Barbara Abdeni Massaad. Guiding you through these well known family favourites from Lebanon so you can: whip up a bowl of baba ghannouj (roasted aubergine with tahini) learn how to season tabbouleh make Lebanese flat breads and many more… Illustrated by Pascale Hares, a graphic designer who lives in Lebanon.
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About Mezze by Barbara Abdeni Massaad

the author

Barbara Abdeni Massaad, the author of Mezze, came to Bristol in October 2022. While she was over visiting France, shorkk invited her to launch her new book Forever Beirut in the UK. Never having been to Bristol before, Barbara was keen to come and kindly agreed to do a cookery demonstration at Papadeli in Bristol too.

a photo of the cook Barbara Abdeni Massaad in the kitchen of Papadeli

shorkk's event in Bristol

Cookpad Bristol generously hosted the launch of Forever Beirut. We made a lot of tabbouleh, some fatayer and sambousek (pastries filled with swiss chard and meat). Guests also had a glass of Domaine des Tourelles, from the Bekaa Valley or a traditional glass of  homemade lemonade.  We all enjoyed the evening, learning about Lebanon’s culinary heritage and the present situation in Lebanon. By the end of the evening her book had sold out. Keen to support Barbara and provide our customers with another of her books, we shipped Mezze: a labour of love from Lebanon to Bristol. We’re delighted to be able to offer our customers in the UK this beautiful book exclusively through shorkk.

event at Cookpad Bristol

about Mezze

Alice Waters, the American Chef and restauranteur, says of Barbara She finds and explores forgotten traditional foods and techniques and then develops recipes that are irresistible and nourishing. They are not only for the Lebanese but for us all“.

Greg Malouf, Lebanese Australian chef and food writer: “It’s crammed full of dishes I want to cook!

about Pascale Hares

We’re delighted that so many of our customers love the whimsical designs by Pascale Hares. They evoke an era of cookery illustration which sadly seems to be on the wane. Her strong lines and block colour in Mezze is a celebration of this art. 

bread illustrations from Mezze
About Shorkk

From Lebanon to Bristol with a hint of Scotland

Shorkk is a small, socially-minded business based in Bristol, with roots in Scotland and Lebanon, run by Miranda and Philippe el Khazen. 

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