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October 7

October 7th is a hugely emotional day for Lebanon and Palestine.

We are devastated by the utter destruction Israel is delivering to Lebanon; their aggressive horrors continue to rain down on Palestine - the duplicity of the west is beyond staggering.

We are angry with the UK Prime Minister's declaration that Israel has the right to self defence and Lebanon doesn't. 82% of the cross border attacks over the last year (the stats will be different now as a result of the last 10 days) have been made by Israel. This is NEVER highlighted by the BBC or mainstream media.

As Owen Jones, an independent UK journalist and columnist pointed out this morning "the west has sown a bitter harvest and reaping it will have hideous consequences for generations to come".

Philippe Pernot, a journalist reporting from Beirut, wrote a moving post on his instagram today. As many of our newsletter subscribers don't have instagram, he has given us permission to publish it here alongside his photographs.
To read more, please see his website.
photo: Philippe Pernot demonstrations in Beirut

One year. 76 years.

It is difficult to find words.

Emotions tangled - tiredness (Beirut was bombed all night), hypervigilance (a drone flies above us), fear (what will happen today), trauma - and also, the deep will to remain steadfast with our friends, our loved ones, with this country, with the people of Gaza, of '48 Palestine, of the West Bank, of Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and all those we share our suffering under colonial rule.
photo: Philippe Pernot young farmers in the West Bank
One year of genocide unfolding under our eyes, the limbs of children recovered from under the rubble. Nervous systems saturated with explosions. The air filled with a reeking smell of burnt chemicals and bodies, a stench that has enveloped Dahye for three weeks just like Tulkarem, Nablus, Gaza.

Ecocide - the systematic destruction of the environment to destroy the people that are rooted in it. Gazans live and die as their fields are flattened, their rivers polluted, the air they breathe contaminated by toxic fumes.

photo: Philippe Pernot burnt fields in south Lebanon
South Lebanon burnt by a rain of white phosphorous - a whole region's agricultural history being erased.

The West Bank - polluted, occupied, settled upon, burnt, chopped off, farmers mourn olive trees like parents their innocent children.

'48 Palestine, covered in fake forests that hide the mass graves of ethnic cleansing.

The once-mighty Jordan river reduced to a trickle, two countries (one nation) on the brink of drought because of one capitalist,colonial settler project's greed.
photo: Philippe Pernot Displaced families in Tyre
And yet, also, flashes of beauty: the reassuring smile of those who refuse to leave their land behind; the determination of those who demonstrate for the world we urgently need to live in; the love in the eyes of farmers as they talk about the trees that they defend with their lives... Resistance.

For there is hope.
photo: Philippe Pernot families in Lebanon

Land Stories

Philippe Pernot will be speaking online from Beirut at our event which has now sold out in Bristol on the 16th October.
Many thanks again for supporting us.

Kind regards

Miranada & Philippe

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